Produced by the Marino family in the town of Cossano Belbo, in the Piedmont region of Italy. Mulino Marino uses exclusively organic grains for their flours. This very fine flour is ground on rollers (not stone ground) so that it can attain a very delicate texture.
This Type 00 Flour from Mulino Marino is made from Italian soft wheat, grown and harvested organically and ground on rollers for a delicate, soft flour. This finely ground flour is perfect for making fresh egg-based pasta dough, pastries, and more.
“Our milling activity began in the mid 1950s when our father, Felice Marino, learned that there was a small mill for sale in the town of Cossano Belbo, complete with the original mill stones and rollers. Fascinated by the milling activity, he decided to buy it.
Thanks to the natural old mill stones we began to grind traditional, biologically farmed cereals, pure ground, that have been neither hybridized nor genetically altered.
All our flour is milled in pureness and contains no additional additives. Natural stone is used for grinding cereals, according to the characteristics of each single cereal. The cereals are left unrefined o sieved, thus maintaining unaltered their nutritive principles.
Being a family-run business allows us to choose the best to obtain the best.
Only one procedure is necessary to obtain flour by means of stone milling, and consequently without heating it, allowing the germ to be present in the flour. The flour produced has a more intense aroma and is more nourishing and more easily digestible.
Natural stones are quarry stones. Ours, in particular, of French origin are renowned for their "hardness". As they are not artificial stones, they must be periodically hammered manually to reach the right degree of roughness in order to obtain the best flour for each use and with the necessary technological characteristics ( damage to optimum starch, water absorption, etc.). They differ from the artificial stones currently on the market because they turn much more slowly and therefore do not overheat the product, leaving the flours alive. Furthermore, the artificial stones are not hammered."
The Marino family
Produced by the Marino family in the town of Cossano Belbo, in the Piedmont region of Italy. Mulino Marino uses exclusively organic grains for their flours. This very fine flour is ground on rollers (not stone ground) so that it can attain a very delicate texture.
This Type 00 Flour from Mulino Marino is made from Italian soft wheat, grown and harvested organically and ground on rollers for a delicate, soft flour. This finely ground flour is perfect for making fresh egg-based pasta dough, pastries, and more.
“Our milling activity began in the mid 1950s when our father, Felice Marino, learned that there was a small mill for sale in the town of Cossano Belbo, complete with the original mill stones and rollers. Fascinated by the milling activity, he decided to buy it.
Thanks to the natural old mill stones we began to grind traditional, biologically farmed cereals, pure ground, that have been neither hybridized nor genetically altered.
All our flour is milled in pureness and contains no additional additives. Natural stone is used for grinding cereals, according to the characteristics of each single cereal. The cereals are left unrefined o sieved, thus maintaining unaltered their nutritive principles.
Being a family-run business allows us to choose the best to obtain the best.
Only one procedure is necessary to obtain flour by means of stone milling, and consequently without heating it, allowing the germ to be present in the flour. The flour produced has a more intense aroma and is more nourishing and more easily digestible.
Natural stones are quarry stones. Ours, in particular, of French origin are renowned for their "hardness". As they are not artificial stones, they must be periodically hammered manually to reach the right degree of roughness in order to obtain the best flour for each use and with the necessary technological characteristics ( damage to optimum starch, water absorption, etc.). They differ from the artificial stones currently on the market because they turn much more slowly and therefore do not overheat the product, leaving the flours alive. Furthermore, the artificial stones are not hammered."
The Marino family